December 5, 2012

puffin classics

One draw back to having all your Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving isseeing something beyond awesome in December. And also the kids changing their minds when they see new stuff. Both problems were accounted for last night at Costco. The second they will get over but the first, I'm not so sure I will.

When we walked through the book aisle my heart skipped a beat when I picked up this beautiful set of Puffin Classics.

Oh I wanted it bad. But, book buying is over. Of course these would be for my kids....maybe even more for me. I love beautiful books, it's even better when they are classics that I want my children to read. I stayed strong and walked away. We'll see if I can make it through the next few weeks without running back. The Costco price of $48 for the set might make me crazy not to. There are always birthdays to save them for, am I right?


  1. These look amazing. If its in the budget I would snatch em up in a heartbeat!


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